Cornelius guide wallpaper Hero Wars

Cornelius Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Main Attributes
Position: Backline
Function: Mage, Support
Primary Statistic: Intelligence
Faction: Honor
Tier List 2024
Tier List 2024
Hero Tier List: B
Hydra Tier List: B

Strategy Guide: Mastering Cornelius in Hero Wars Alliance

Cornelius stands as the ultimate mage counter in Hero Wars, offering unparalleled defense against magical attacks. Investing in Cornelius is a strategic decision that can greatly enhance your team's performance, especially against mage-heavy compositions. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into the intricacies of Cornelius's abilities, optimal team compositions, and effective strategies to dominate the battlefield.

Understanding Cornelius's Abilities

Cornelius possesses a diverse set of abilities tailored to counter magical threats and inflict devastating blows upon enemy mages. Let's take a closer look at his skills:

Crafting the Perfect Team Composition

To maximize Cornelius's effectiveness, it's crucial to build a synergistic team composition. Here are some recommended heroes to complement Cornelius:

Implementing Effective Strategies

Now that you understand Cornelius's abilities and ideal team compositions, let's explore some strategic tips for utilizing him effectively:

  1. Prioritize Magic Shield: Cornelius's can activate a Magic Shield at the beginning of each battle to provide immediate protection against enemy magical assaults. Timing is key – deploy the shield strategically to mitigate maximum damage.
  2. Target Priority: Use Arcane Drain and Curse to target the most threatening enemy mages. By reducing their damage output and weakening their ultimates, you can neutralize the enemy's key threats and gain a significant advantage.
  3. Coordinate Ultimate Usage: Coordinate Cornelius's ultimate ability with crowd control effects from other heroes, such as stuns or silences. This synergy can ensure that enemy mages are vulnerable to Cornelius's devastating Arcane Explosion, securing critical eliminations.
  4. Adapt to Enemy Composition: Assess the enemy team composition and adjust your strategy accordingly. If facing a mage-heavy lineup, prioritize protecting your team against magical damage and focus on neutralizing enemy mages.

Mastering the Art of Mage Slaying

Cornelius emerges as a formidable force on the battlefield, offering unmatched prowess in countering enemy mages and turning the tide of battle in your favor. By understanding his abilities, crafting synergistic team compositions, and implementing effective strategies, you can harness Cornelius's full potential and achieve victory in Hero Wars Alliance. Prepare your team, strategize with precision, and unleash the power of Cornelius to dominate the realm like never before.

Cornelius' Talisman

With the talisman, Cornelius gains 24000 points of magical attack, and 2000 points of magical defense, leaving him with 105701 magical attack statistics, which will make his damage and magical shield abilities and reduction of enemies' magical attack very strong.

Attributes of the Talisman of Wisdom
Slot Statistics Maximum Points
0 Intelligence +2,000
1 Magic Attack +6000
2 Magic Attack +6000
3 Magic Attack +6000

Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • High physical damage on mages with his Heavy Wisdom skill
  • Lots of Magic Defense
  • Magic Shield for Allies
  • Reduces Enemies' Magic Attack
  • Curses a random enemy by lowering Ultimate's level

Negative Points

  • Weak armor defense
  • Weak against agility attribute heroes
  • Does not deal magic damage

Cornelius Evolution Priority Guide in Hero Wars Alliance

In this guide, we'll detail the evolution priority for Cornelius in Hero Wars Alliance, covering statistics, glyphs, artifacts, and skins.

Statistics Evolution Priority

Stats Priority
Magic Attack High
Intelligence Medium
Health High
Magical Defense Medium
Armor Low

Glyphs Priority

Glyphs Priority
Magic Attack High
Intelligence Medium
Health High
Magical Defense High
Armor Low

Artefacts Priority

Artifact Priority
Book First
Weapon (Magic Defense) Second
Ring Last

Book: Prioritize upgrading the book to gain magic attack and health, strengthening Cornelius's magical attack and survivability.

Weapon (Magic Defense): Next, evolve the weapon to gain more magic defense, further enhancing Cornelius's and his team's defensive capabilities.

Ring: Lastly, upgrade the ring to gain a bonus magic defense for the whole team, reinforcing overall resistance against magical attacks.

Skins Priority

Skins Priority
Magic Attack High
Health High
Intelligence Medium
Magical Defense Medium
Cornelius with cybernetic skin, Hero Wars.
Cornelius with cybernetic skin, Hero Wars.

Cornelius vs Hydras

Cornelius is a good hero against Hydras and can help his team by protecting with his shield absorbing magic damage, Cornelius can be a good ally against Magic Hydras making his team resist longer; mostly for novice players

Cornelius in Battles

Strong Against

  • Amira - Satori - Krista and Lars - Phobos - Celeste - Morrigan and all heroes, with Intelligence as their main attribute


  • Jhu - Karkh - Keira - Danada - Ishmael - Dante - Ziri - Fafnir

Cornelius Best Teams

Team Composition
Phobos, Faceless, Cornelius, Morrigan, Corvus
Fafnir, Cornelius, Keira, Morrigan, Corvus
Fafnir, Artemis, Cornelius, Tristan, Julius
Fafnir, Artemis, Cornelius, Tristan, Galahad
Phobos, Cornelius, Iris, Morrigan, Corvus
Phobos, Faceless, Cornelius, Jorgen, Astaroth
Cornelius, Yasmine, Tristan, Luther, Cleaver
Martha, Cornelius, Jorgen, Morrigan, Corvus
Cornelius, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
Martha, Cornelius, Jorgen, Satori, Astaroth

Cornelius Tutorial Conclusion

The tutorial on Cornelius provides a comprehensive insight into maximizing the potential of this hero in Hero Wars Alliance. By detailing evolution priorities in statistics, glyphs, artifacts, and skins, and providing examples of ideal teams, players can now better understand how to effectively utilize Cornelius in their gameplay strategies.

Understanding Cornelius's unique abilities, such as his magic shield and his counter-attack capabilities against enemy mages, allows players to form synergistic teams that can dominate the battlefield. Furthermore, prioritizing the right statistics, glyphs, and artifacts can further boost the performance of Cornelius and his team.

In summary, by following the guidelines provided in this tutorial, players can unlock Cornelius's full potential and use him to achieve victory in Hero Wars Alliance, conquering challenges and climbing the ranks with confidence.

Video suggestion

Cornelius Rework

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